1. What does OEM stand for?
OEM stands for Original Equipment Manufacturer. These are authentic keys and remotes.
2. What does refurbished mean?
Refurbished means that these keys or remotes are previously used and have been reset to factory settings. Some of these keys or remotes have also been re-shelled or contain some signs of wear.
3. How do I find the correct part number or FCC for my key/remote?
To find the correct part number for your vehicle, it is advised that you call the dealership with your VIN number in hand. They will be able to use your VIN number to tell you the exact part number that you will need. It is important that you verify both the FCC and part number that you need to ensure fitment.
4. The FCC matches, does that mean it will work for my vehicle?
Not always. You also need to match the correct part number. Several keys share the same FCC, but that doesn't mean that they will all work for your vehicle. There might be different chips or electronics inside of the key that don't match up to your vehicle. It is best to verify the correct part number first when searching for the correct key
5. I can't find my key. What do I do?
Can't find your key? Let us know in the "Contact Us" page and we will get back to you within 48 hours.